lunes, 16 de febrero de 2015

The RolKids' presentation

     Last Thursday February 12, 2015 we saw the RolKids' presentation about the Cooperative Learning. It had some good things, but also there were other bad things. Next I will comment them all.     

     To beginning with, the presentation was about the Cooperative Learning; it is the topic that all of us have. They describe quite well what the presentation was about and the meaning of Cooperative learning. When they were talking about their group organization, they mention their group's objectives, but they forget about their personal goals. However, they showed us their microtasks and talk about their relationship and the problems that happened during the creation of the presentation. At last, they solved all the troubles.

     One very interesting thing that I have learnt thanks to them is the use we can give to the Web quest, which a teacher of the last semester showed to us. They created a very interesting webpage with good content and activities.

     Moreover, during the presentation they do lots of things very well, as the explanation of Silvia about one of the techniques, the Peer Tutoring. But they did something wrong. A section of the presentation was quite difficult to understand: “Advantages and disadvantages". First of all, what I thought was "Advantages and disadvantages of what? It was about the Cooperative learning? It had no rhyme or reason". But we give them a chance to explain what they want to say with this section, although it continued having no sense to us. It was contradictory.

     As a conclusion, in spite of this problem and the little mistakes, they made a really good presentation, explaining properly the content and making us understand what they were saying. Anyway, I think I have not learned many new things because of the fact that we all have the same topic and nearly the same sources of information, almost the same content.

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