martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

The last thursday 19-february-2015, the gruops of : Escuela de Bocación, and Futupasta expose their presentations.
Now, i am going to speak about the next concepts:
 -AUTONOMy : as a teacher, we have to take an autonomy to the alumns, because they have to learn to resolv their problems by themselves. That is not that the children have to work alone, that is that we have to guide them, help them.
 -GROUP INVESTIGATION :it is an activitie that we can do when we are working with cooperative learning. it is that each group choose a topic with the teacher, and stablishes the contents that they have to learn, and the objetives that they have to catch up. Then, the alumns work in gruops, and finally, they share their news knowledges with their partners.
 -TAI : TEAM ASSITED INDIVIDUALIZATION: It is an other activitie that we can use if we work with cooperative consist on work in a individual form with each children, with personal activities. It is so important that the alumns do not see this activitie like a competition, and respect each one in there.
 -TGT : TEAM- GAMES TOURNAMENT: it is an activitie in relation with the cooperative learning, in which the class is divided by gruops with a different levels of knowledge. Each gruop have to study about one subtopic, and then , the game will started. The teacher will do questions, and who have most correctly answers, will win.
 -MULTIPLES INTELIGENCES : each alumn have a form of learn, and the teacher have to respect and acept all. there are different types: linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic. musical, interpersonal, naturalist.

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