lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015


Last week, on Thursday, we had the last class dedicated to the presentations of the two groups that can´t do it before.

The first group of the day was the mine, “Escuela de bocación”. I am very happy with our job and I want to thank my classmates because I feel very comfortable inside that group and all of us have contributed for having a good coordination and organization. And when the pieces fit in, the results are better.

The second group and the last of the day was “Futupasta”. I like their job a lot, they use a great format of the presentation, where we can see all the points connected and finally a big diagram that explains the cooperative learning  easily to understand and very complete. I think that also the video and the explanation were very good.

Like other days, we also focus on the new and most interesting things, not explained before.

The first aspect that I want to remark it is the scaffolding that teachers offer to the students, accompanying and guiding them in their process of learning. It is beneficial for the students because it helps in the acquiring of knowledge and develops their autonomy, very useful for their future but not only in the academic area, also in the life. It is very important to help others and feel satisfied doing this.

Related to the develop of kids and the role of teachers, we can found the broad topic of the multiply intelligence. Inside the classroom, we have a lot of children with different objectives, expectations, skills, and situations. For including all these type of students, we have to keep in mind different possibilities and minds and try to adapt the contents and know about the different intelligences that are: 

  •    Linguistic.
  •    Musical.
  •     Logical- Mathematical.
  •    Visual-Spatial.
  •    Bodily-Kinesthetic.
  •    Interpersonal.
  •    Intrapersonal.
  •    Naturalist.

During the class we went deeper into some methods for working in cooperative groups:

1. TAI: The children respect the others, help and work combing the cooperative and individual learning, it means that there is not competition and the tasks are adapted to each kid.

2. GROUP INVESTIGATION: each group has a subtopic for investigate and from there the group creates a team plan with objectives, personal commitments and tasks that have to fulfill. Later, the group explains their project and is questioned by the teacher and the other students. Thereby, the work of the group is evaluated not only by teachers, also by the other classmates.

3. TEAM GAMES TOURNAMENT: The class are divided and the teacher gives some questions to the groups that have to answer them and later if the answers are correct the team wins but nor only one team, there are some prizes for motivate children.

Finally, I want to add to this post interesting information that appears in the Futupasta´s project that is resources for meeting or gather all the information. Today we can use a lot of ways for it but the best for doing projects are Google docs, Prezi and skype. Also I find important the evaluation that made the kids to the task proposed by teachers for being a positive reinforcement that improve the teaching.

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